The story of the Israelites is the base for God’s plan and purpose for all humanity and history.
Human redemption story is derived from the history of Israel.
There are three kinds of REST mentioned in these few verses.
A. The Promised Land
B. Sabbath Rest
C. The Kingdom of God
It all begins with a promise to Abraham and fulfilled in Joshua’s time.
In the story of Israel, God’s rest was the Promise Land.
God was leading them into a Promise Land from their slavery of Egypt..
In Gen 2:2-3 God rested on 7th day after 6 days of creation.
2. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.
3 Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.
God has finished with creating business once for all.
For Israelites it was a fulfillment of the Promise of God is their Sabbath-Rest.
This theme runs thru almost all verses.
We will enter that Promise Land as the Israelites did.
We will enter the Sabbath-Rest as the people of Israel did.
We will enter the Promise Land which is the Kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God begins with Lord Jesus.
When Lord Jesus died on the cross he cried out: IT IS FINISHED.
The price for our salvation was paid in full.
Because of Lord Jesus, we do not have to work for salvation.
God’s redemptive work is completely FINISHED.
We can now REST in the Saving Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We still have to live our lives as children of God.
For a believer it all started with Promise of God thru our Lord Jesus Christ.
Anyone who believes in that PROMISE, enter the Promise Land which is the Kingdom of God.
God Sabbath Rest is upon us but we keep living fighting our wars of temptations, wars of unbelief, and wars of backsliding.
The moment we accept our Lord Jesus into our hearts we step into Sabbath-Rest.
We will continue to live in this 7th day throughout our Christian life.
The most beautiful and glorious aspect of our believer’s life is that he/she will be still living in the 7th Day with the Lord Jesus Christ in the eternity.
For a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, Promise Land, Sabbath-Rest and the Kingdom of God are our present and future.
We are the Kingdom people living out our lives on earth with the PROMISE of God that not only we live in HIS kingdom today but we will continue to live in ETERNITY with Lord Jesus in the Kingdom of God. Amen