What we observe in Psalm 114 is a poetic description of the history of Israel.
The Psalmist penned this psalm to illustrate an important fact of history orchestrated by God.
As the people of Israel recounts their history 2 things happened – they worshiped HIM – felt HIS presence.
The psalmist recounts how God demonstrated HIS power throughout the history of Israel.
Remembering God’s history with HIS people leads to an awareness of HIS presence with us today.
Recounting history of Israel in the Scripture brings the Christian an awareness of God’s presence.
Verse 1 God desired a separation
God called the people of Israel to come out of Egypt – come out of the foreign influence.
Egyptian way of life is contrary to God’s will and purpose so also many non-christian religions today.
God called them to get separated from the sinful and idolaters’ world.
We are also called to get separated from the world and its ungodly influences.
Romans 12:2 “Do not conform any longer to the (thought) pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”.
Verse 2 - God sanctifies by HIS presence
Throughout Israel's history Israel experienced God’s presence with them.
During Israel’s history they saw many temples around them – even so today.
For sure we know that God was not in any one of those temples then or now.
The Most High God literally dwelt among Israelites in the Tabernacle or the Temple.
After Lord Jesus resurrection, Holy God made HIS dwelling in the hearts of believers.
God initiates the process of sanctification after our justification.
Israel became the sanctuary of the Living God – God was with them – God with us now.
Israel became HIS dominion –God’s possession – God’s authority – God’s very own.
Verses 3-8 God demanded obedience and conformity to HIS will and purpose.
The power of God was seen on behalf of people of Israel not only enabling them to enter into the Promised Land but also to establish them in their possession.
HE wanted them to depend upon completely – trust HIM with unwavering faith.
When they obeyed HIM without any reservations HE was with them – protecting them – overcoming all challenges from other countries – granted them victories.
So also HE grants us the ability to succeed if we are willing to surrender to HIS authority.
The Exodus story is the best example of how the gentile people trembled at the name of the Desert God – the God of Israel.
They heard stories about HIS awesome power exhibited in the exodus journey.
We also heard God’s mighty power at work in the lives of many men and women who obeyed and faithfully followed the Lord Jesus Christ.
Just 12 illiterate men shook the world and changed the world’s history forever.
Verse 8 is a direct reference to our Lord Jesus Christ –as we read and understand that HE is our Rock and HE is the living waters.
God has called us to live separated, sanctified and surrendered lives as HIS very own.
It is of great importance to every believer to know the power of God at work with people of Israel in their history.
It is of utmost importance for us to know that God works through our lives and shakes the world around us for HIS glory.
The unbeliever will be influenced and enabled to come to know Lord Jesus through our separated, sanctified and surrender lives.