A very interesting phenomenon unfolds during the calling of His disciples
V-1-3: PETER HEARD the message
Lord Jesus took Simon Peter’s boat to little away from the shore and made it a platform.
Lord taught the people from the boat.
One thing is very clear that Simon heard everything in such a close proximity.
Whatever the Lord taught, Simon understood at least some of it.
V 4-7: PETER SAW a miracle
What took place before his professional eyes of a fisherman did not make any sense.
Suppressing his professional curiosity, he submits to the Lord’s command.
Peter saw a miracle of huge catch of fish just with one throw of the net.
V 8: PETER KNEW in his heart
Peter understood that He was standing next to not an ordinary teacher.
He recognizes that he was with a holy man or a prophet some sort.
He also knew in his heart that he is unworthy to stand next to the Lord.
He felt unclean and sinful in the presence of the Lord Jesus.
Instead of asking Him to cleanse him, he wanted to go away from the presence of the Lord.
V 10: PETER BECAME a new person
Peter was in for another professional dilemma.
He is becoming a fisher of men unbelievable.
I am sure peter did not understand what the Lord was saying to him.
Lord Jesus was transforming them into His disciples to carry on with the message of the Gospel after His death.
Such an ordinary sinful fishermen are now became the instruments in the Lord’s hands.
V 11: PETER LEFT everything and followed
Peter and his other friends left everything and followed Him.
They all made a decision to follow the Lord on the basis of what they heard and what they had seen.
Today let us put on shoes of a fisherman.
1. The Lord needs very ordinary people to follow HIM.
Not what we have but what we are as a person.
2. No one is righteous but born sinners and needed the Savior.
So we approached the Savior with a repenting heart and sought forgiveness.
As believers in the Lord, whenever we approach HIS presence our conscious always pricks that we are unworthy and sinful and plead mercy to cleanse us again and again.
We know HIM spiritually, intellectually and experience HIS presence always.
Our intimacy with the Lord begins to change the core of our heart.
We don’t understand many things in our life today.
But following the Lord faithfully enables us to lead a life of worth in HIS eyes.
3. We are also commissioned to become fisher of men.
Every Christian has two professions one for us and one for the Lord.
We carry on HIS work thru our daily lives no matter what we are today.
4. Lastly the fishermen left everything and followed HIM.
Giving up does not mean leaving our jobs, our possessions, our assets, and our homes.
Putting the Lord first in our life is what it means to follow HIM unwaveringly.
So seek HIS kingdom first and the Lord promised to add everything in life.