Lord Jesus is traveling towards His death, burial and glorious resurrection.
His entry in to Jerusalem for the last time completes His work on the earth.
Our road to the eternity begins from there.
One author said this way
“Behind Him were His sermons; ahead, His suffering.
Behind Him were His parables; ahead, His passion.
Behind Him were His suppers of fellowship; ahead, His last supper of betrayal.
Behind Him the delights of Galilee; ahead dark Gethsemane”
Historians tell us that people from various regions choose a special spot to camp during the Passover festival at Jerusalem.
People from Galilee choose south of Mount of Olives closure to Bethany.
They were from rural country, unsophisticated and faithful followers of the Lord.
They heard HIM; they witnessed HIS miracles and knew HIM the best.
In verse 9 we see two groups of people, those who followed HIM and those who went ahead of HIM.
The elites, the teachers of the Law and the religious leaders were from Jerusalem city.
Lord Jesus was a great threat to this group because of HIS teaching and claims.
These people also were in that celebration along with the other crowd.
Today also we see many people participate in such celebrations or festivities with a different motif and purpose.
So also this group from Jerusalem was there shouting with people who later cried out ‘crucify’ before Pilot.
Lord was fulfilling two prophecies.
1. Daniel 9:24-26
2. Zechariah 9:9
Daniel’s prophecy deals with the Anointed One going into Jerusalem before the destruction of the Temple there.
Zechariah prophesied that “Your KING” coming to you riding on a donkey.
Lord on a donkey explains two things: He is a KING and the other He was entering Jerusalem in peace.
Our Lord was telling the world that HE is a King but comes in peace.
Mathew crowds declare that the Lord belongs to David’s family
Mark crowds thought Lord Jesus was establishing David’s throne.
Luke’s crowd did not shout Hosanna but all tied together declaring HIM as KING from God who brings peace and glory in heaven
John’s crowds declare Lord Jesus was the King of Israel.
All the Gospel writers echoed one theme that Lord Jesus Christ is a KING.
We know that He is KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS and rule every heart that accepted HIM as Lord and Savior.
Palm Sunday is also called the Triumphal entry but the real triumphal entry occurs when a person opens his/her heart to the Lord Jesus and accepts Him as Lord and Savior.
Those who followed HIM and shouted ‘HOSANNA’ are those who knew HIM personally.
Let us shout with joy and celebrate this day saying Hosanna to the KING.