Creation and Conversion both have on common factor. “THE LIGHT”
God said at the beginning of creation “Let there be light”.
Conversion of a darkened human heart begins with the light of Lord Jesus.
The lght of Gospel message dispels the darkness of human soul sianed of sin.
Apostle Paul continues in the following verses to address the believer as Jars of Clay that holds pricesless treasure.
This jar of clay, already created human undergoes a transformation beyond human understanding.
It began to hold a priceless treasure and power of God no equal on earth.
We are to hold a power beyond anything humankind has ever seen.
We are in fact the jars of clay containing the Holy Spirit of God.
“CHRIST IN US” living with us and in us every day 24/7.
Just think for a minute.
Almighty God places His Son in us who are faulty, weak, and sinful in order that we might have abilities that we did not have at our birth.
What is so amazing that God delights to manifest His life and grace through weak faulty, sinful people like us and Hold a priceles
We live under pressure, perplexity, persecution, and pain throughout our life.
We can never experience a world without problems.
However Christians are to react differently to all of such pressures and perplexities.
Lord Jesus living in us and with us makes all the difference in our life.
The death of Lord Jesus Christ removes the stain and stigma of sin in our heart.
This jar of clay is now subjected to the power of the Lord and transforms inwardly into a new being.
Ego and Self are no longer running the life of a Christian for the Holy Spirit guides and directs.
The Christians allow Lord Jesus to live through their earthly life.
Others who see a Christians find something that they don't have and wish they did.
The Christian is blessed and everyone around that Christian can be blessed as well.
That is why the believer is an exclusive individual carrying the marks of the Lord.