We have to remember always that our God is a God of order.
He created order out of chaos.
There is order in everything God created.
Not only He placed natural order, God also placed some moral and spiritual order in HIS written Word.
Unfortunately we are trying to mess up with His moral and spiritual order today.
There are consequences to pay for such disobedience.
God was talking thru Moses to the people of Israel to follow and obey God’s commands.
All God’s blessings depend on their willingness to follow and obey His commands.
In verse 4 & 5 we see God’s PROVISION as a result of our response.
A direct relation exists between people’s obedience to God and their relation with the natural world around them.
God chooses to bless His people for their obedience to HIS Laws and commands.
Verses 6-8, we observe that God promise to protect them, give them victory over their enemies and face huge challenges with HIS help.
Daily our life goes thru lots of dangers of all sorts.
Danger from people, dangers on the road and dangers in the school and workplaces
God said He will protect HIS people always.
In verses 9-12, God promised HIS people with HIS presence.
He said He will keep His covenant; He will dwell among them, and walk with them.
Old Testament has many examples of people who did not follow and obey the commands.
They paid dearly for such disobedience.
King Saul lost his kingship because of his arrogance.
King David brought calamity into his family because of adultery with Beersheba.
Even Moses lost his opportunity to enter into the Promise Land because of his anger.
They did not follow the rules, God’s rules.
Our spiritual growth is stunted and spiritually weak because we may not be following the rules.
Dysfunctional and unsatisfying life may be the result of not following the rules.
Such Christian life reflects spiritual poverty and brokenness in their relationship with the Lord.
God may be withholding His provision because of our rebellious nature and disobedience.
Because of their spiritual poverty for many Christians everything becomes a struggle.
Because of our choices, God’s peace becomes scarce.
We enjoy God’s protection in the midst of all fears when we are following the rules.
Willing obedience to the Word of God assures the LORD’s Provision, Protection and Presence no matter what our circumstances are.
That is the key to our life on the earth amidst all struggles.
Just follow and obey God’s rules.
God will allow His provision; His protection and presence come in our way.