John is saying that our works, good or bad, will not determine our salvation.
But our works as believers display and demonstrate our salvation.
Apostle John describes that habitual sinning is a proof that we do not know God.
If we are the children of God we should not habitually living in a lifestyle of sin.
We do know that Christian will sin, but we should always live in opposition to sin.
A. God’s Love Lavished through Jesus Christ (1)
God loves all creation but His loves optimizes in Christ to those who received Jesus.
God’s love is known only through Christ – Through Him God calls us children of God.
These children have an intimate knowledge of God because they have a deeper relationship.
The world does not know God because it does not know Christ.
B. Great Expectation of seeing Christ (2)
John declares that we are now the children of the Living God because of Christ.
He talks about the future outcome of Christians which is not known to them now.
This we definitely know from the scripture that we will be like Lord Jesus Christ in heaven.
It’s the most thrilling expectation that we will see the Lord.
C. Under Sanctifying Grace (3)
Those who have this hope will stay pure and remain pure because our Lord is pure.
The only requirement is to strive hard to live a pure life in order to meet the Lord.
It is difficult and tough to pursue a life of purity in the midst of a corrupted world.
But that is what expected of a Christian – no option is given.
A. Sin Defined (4)
Lawlessness is nothing but declaring our independence against authority.
John is saying, we cannot be children of God if we live lifestyles of lawlessness.
We could be doing everything right in our outward religious ritual and rule.
But in our heart we could be a rebellious individual with all sinful thoughts.
Sins are the fruit but SIN is the root - matter of WILL - rebelliousness of our will.
Sin is not just an outward act but it is also an inward attitude.
B. Sinless Christ (5)
First of all it’s important to understand that Christ has no SIN to begin with.
That sinless Christ became sinful for all of us so that He can redeem us from SIN & sins.
C. Remain in Christ (6)
If we want to abide with Christ means to identify with Him – His sinless nature.
If we continue in sin would be a denial of the Name that we bear, “in Him (Christ), is no sin”.
Not only it is to deny the sinless character of Christ, but also deny His cross.
Let me summarize what Apostle John is saying here:
1. Do not be deceived by the world.
World always has an agenda – anti-Christ agenda.
Christ is righteous – Follow Him – Reject world’s philosophies.
Practicing unrighteousness is contrary to the nature of God or Christ.
2. Satan has been defeated by Lord Jesus Christ.
Satan “has been sinning from the beginning” means he is sinning without a break.
John concludes that if anyone is in a habitual lifestyle of practicing sin they belong to Satan.
3. We are born of God
Essentially it means the new life that we have in Christ, is the seed of God's life in us.
For John is saying that the evidence that God's life and seed remains in us is a life of holiness and not a life of sinfulness.
So once God’s seed is implanted in our hearts (salvation experience) it will stay forever.
John is saying that if we are living with Lord Jesus and abiding in Him, it's because we are closer to Him, identifying with Him in His purity day by day.
John warns us that a sinful lifestyle can never ever be an alternative lifestyle to the child of God.