The Book of Ecclesiastes represents a human struggle to find meaning in ife.
Even our limited view of human life we conclude that God has created an ordered and
beautiful universe we call it planet earth.
Remember God controls the creator order and He alone orchestrates the events.
A uman cannot discover the purpose of his or her life apart from God.
Those who think they know everything is sadly mistaken and deceived. It is the discovery of faith in the Creator provides handles to this life on earth.
No matter how good or big life can become to an individual, it boils down to one hard fact.
The present American life reflects money syndrome, work to spend, spend to work.
For many especially the youth feel life is boring.
Surprisingly God designed it that way.
No matter how much we have in life, we are not satisfied.
No matter how much knowledge we have, we still act like stupid.
You know why, God has created a vacuum in every human heart that triggers these feelings.
Nothing satisfies a person because of this vacuum in heart.
Because only God can fill that vacuum
People without God are living a profitless, purposeless, boring existence.
So the Wiseman says it profits nothing or it has no gain.
So it isa big ZERO without God in one’s life.
We need to learn to live contently and let God control His world.
Life with God is always reflected in simple pleasures as gifts of God.
When God steps into a person’s life HE changes everything.
From sheer boredom to excitement, meaningless to meaning, directionless to direction and despair to deliverance
The only people who really enjoy life ever moment are believers. WHY?
Only God grants us HIS favor to possess an attitude and outlook and hope regardless of our circumstances in ife.
King Solomon varied between frustration and faith.
In the midst of all his philosophical pursuits and scheme of things, Solomon had come to this conclusion that always God is in charge and what HE does is right.
We learn to wait to realize the purpose and will of God in our ife.
Life in God is supernatural power not a force imited to this time frame.
John 15:4-6, 10-11
These few verses explain everything a believer has to abide by.
We have to be in Christ so that our joy in this life is complete.
A BELIEVER IN THE Lord should never think that life is boring and monotonous.
It can be exciting, enjoyable and entertaining as long as we live in HIM and for HIM.