Apostle John starts 19th chapter with these words, ‘after this’.
During 7 years of tribulation God’s wrath came down as the judgment upon the unsaved people with plagues, earthquakes, hailstorm, and terrible devastation of human suffering.
After the judgment of God the heaven is getting ready for the wedding supper of the Lamb.
19th chapter begins with a change of refreshing events in the book of Revelation.
Heaven expresses its joy with great shouting of four Hallelujahs.
We come across this word many times in Old Testament especially in the book of Psalms.
In NT only place we find is in the 19th chapter of The Book of Revelation.
Amen and Alleluia go together when the believers assemble to praise God.
First Hallelujah talking about God’s salvation, God’s power and God’s glory
1st Hallelujah describes all that happened in the past.
One author says, “God’s righteous triumph over evil, the exalting of Christ, and anticipation of His millennial Kingdom”
Second Hallelujah speaks about righteous judgment – HIS complete victory over false religion and false powers.
God avenges the blood of the saints who were killed during the tribulation.
All those who killed and tortured God’s saints throughout the ages will face their punishment one day in the hands of Almighty God.
“The smoke from her goes up for ever and ever.”
This statement points to the eternal punishment of such people in the Lake of Fire.
Third Hallelujah is the agreement in heaven – the 24 Elders and the 4 living beings join the chorus of praising God and worshiping HIM.
Always the 24 Elders fall on their knees to worship God.
It is a sign of surrender and humility before the Living God.
The fourth Hallelujah is a great shout of rejoicing over the wedding of the Lamb
This Hallelujah is for the anticipation of the greatest event in heaven ever to take place.
The Wedding of the Lamb – the marriage of Christ and HIS bride the Church
In the first century, Jewish custom observes a process to perform a marriage between a man and a woman.
First betrothal takes place what we know as engagement.
Man and a woman are legally married without any physical relationship between them.
In the second phase groom comes for the bride to take her to his house and the wedding ceremony takes place.
Every believer is betrothed to the Lord the moment he/she is saved by the blood of the Lamb.
We the believers become the Church which is the bride of Christ.
Christ comes for the Church what we know as rapture of all living and dead in Christ.
The wedding banquet happens in heaven before the friends of the Old Testament saints and the tribulation saints.
Wedding garment is the most important aspect of the bride and the wedding ceremony.
The wedding garment of the Church is the imputed righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ upon every believer.
Lord Jesus purchased our wedding garment with HIS blood on the cross.
The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ comprising every believer from Pentecost is privileged to be included in this great wedding banquet.
'The blessed people' refer to the souls cleansed in the blood of the Lamb.
It is God’s grace upon every believer that HE forgave and forgotten all sins - imputed Christ’s righteousness – HE sees us clean and pure.
When a person accepts the Lord and is cleansed in the precious blood – he/she is saved from the sins by God’s grace – no human do good works are involved – it is purely HIS grace that saves a person.
After saved by HIS grace, that person begins to do works as result of his/her conversion.
A believer lives out his/her salvation everyday not lives for salvation.
The Holy Spirit is the witness to the saving grace in every believer.
The Holy Spirit enables the believer to live out a life of faith.