First reaction is confusion
A typical reaction to an extra-ordinary occurrence – “bewilderment” (NIV) – “confounded” (KJV)
Second reaction is utter amazement
Honest reaction to some astonishing miracle.
This type of reaction explains the power of the miracle unfolding before their eyes.
Third reaction is ‘how is it possible?’
8 Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language?
Pastor Wiersbe says that speaking in tongues always refers to a known language somewhere in the world.
Believers are praising God in a language not known to the speaker.
Jews from all nations – mostly men – came to Jerusalem to celebrate Pentecost.
11b - We hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!”
They were able to hear the wonders of God in their native tongue.
Pastor Wiersbe describes a stunning contrast between ‘Tower of Babel’ and the Day of Pentecost.
At Tower Babel God confused the languages – intentionally scattered the people - designed to praise men – it was an act of rebellion.
At Day of Pentecost Holy Spirit enabled speaker and hearer to understand each other - united the believers in Lord Jesus Christ – designed to praise God –the humble beginning of birth of the CHURCH.
Major intention of God the Father is to proclaim the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ to the entire world in every language.
The sound of wind drew them to the place but the believers speaking the praises captured their imagination.
12 Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, “What does this mean?”
Many were amazed and perplexed – they were unable to comprehend - disbelief and doubt set in their minds.
They began to find some explanation to this strange and incredible phenomenon.
13 Some, however, made fun of them and said, “They have had too much wine.”
Some did not understand what just happened - they thought that the Apostles were drunk.
Some carried the message in their hearts – pondering over the supernatural event - some never believed the miracle.
Today some do not believe even the Lord Jesus speaks to them.
It is amazing that one group was marveling at a great miracle while another writes off the entire experience as drunkenness.
Today not everyone will look at a supernatural manifestation of the Holy Spirit and responds in a positive way.
Such people never change their life and they stay the same unchanged.
But some people do change and will yield to the Power of the Holy Spirit.
We can see that in this chapter as some of these people might have joined the 3000 that were added to the believer’s group.
We also see in the same chapter those who rejected it, laughed at it, and made fun of it.
Most important event happened in Acts 2 - birth of the church is born - the Holy Spirit has come to stay with every believer.
Today, every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ impacts the world with the love and power of Holy Spirit.