We honor our mothers, bring flowers to them, and take them for lunch.
No matter who you are, we all have mothers, some are living, and some were with the Lord.
We love our mothers for their sacrifices, for their tender care, and compassionate heart for their children.
Today we will look at a very unique mother of all recorded human history.
God the Father chose a mother to bear HIS Son, Jesus, the Savior and Redeemer of the human kind.
The Scripture says that she was highly favored by God.
From the life of Mary we will see some interesting phases.
When angel Gabriel came to her to announce that she was going to bear a child, Mary was troubled.
She was much more troubled that she was going to be pregnant thru the Holy Spirit.
She definitely did not understand how it is going to be.
Then most of all she was troubled because unwed pregnant girl is destined to be stoned to death according to the Jewish religion.
Mary stands alone of all the mothers of this world because of what happened in her life.
Number of people gave her momentary glimpses of the mystery and wonder of Christ Child (Shepherds, Simeon, and Anna).
Mary absorbed all they said and kept her thoughts in her heart.
Mary knew who Jesus was and who HE was to become but she could not tell anybody.
Her main concern was for HIS safety and she wanted to protect Lord Jesus’ identity.
Mary had a troubling treasure to protect which she could not share with anybody.
Mary’s interaction with Lord Jesus was very minimal in the Gospel narratives.
We have no record of any tender moments between Mary and Lord Jesus.
Very few conversations were recorded between Mary and Lord Jesus.
When Lord Jesus was 12 years old, HE purposely stayed behind at Jerusalem and was in the company of scholars and teachers at the Temple.
After a day’s journey the family realized that Jesus was not with them and they rushed back to Jerusalem in search of HIM.
When they found HIM at the temple, Mary asked why HE did this to HIS family.
In Luke 2:49 the family members did not understand HIS response but Mary understood very well.
That was the beginning of unending heartache for Mary.
In another context, Mark 3:33 Mary realized that she lost HIM completely.
Mary began to love Jesus before HE was born and lasted throughout HIS life.
Mary’s love and devotion for Jesus was so deep from conception to cross.
Loving Jesus was not an easy road for Mary to travel in fact it was difficult right from the get go.
If she was alive today, Mary would have been more troubled, distressed, and horrified what the Catholic Church made her to be.
In the eyes of Catholics Mary became what she was not.
She was just a human mother of Lord Jesus Christ and had other children of her own.
So on this Mother’s Day, we looked at a picture of a mother who went thru so much in her life.
Today loving our children may not be easy always and sometime the road may get very difficult.
Mother do go through agonizing times with their children.
But mothers will never give up on their children.
Most of all Christian mothers have one thing common that is they never cease praying for their children whether they are young or old.
Mother’s heart is always so deep that nothing can separate them from her children.
May God look upon Mothers with favor, kind to them and protect them.
May God bless them for all that they do on a daily basis for their children.