Today is Mother’s Day in USA
We honor our mothers with love, flowers and take them out for lunch.
We know that mothers play a great role in a child’s life.
They love their children, nurture them and instill all values of life in their formative years.
Bible has examples of mothers for their courage, sacrifice and devotion.
On this Mother’s Day we will look at the mother of Moses recorded in Exodus.
Under the regime of Pharaoh, all the children of Jacob were called Hebrews - they were treated as slaves.
When Moses was born he was born into a slave family.
The new decree by the wicked pharaoh says that all male children must be killed.
So by all human standards, Moses never had a chance to live.
Mother accepts the blessings
Jochebed was from the priestly community – Levites were designated tribe for priestly duties in the Temple of the Lord.
She readily accepted the blessings of the Lord in spite of her circumstances.
She knew in her heart that this little boy was extraordinary and gift of God.
She managed him for 3 months because of Pharaoh’s edict to kill all new born male child.
Mother plans with confidence
Pharaoh’s edict was to throw the newborn male child into Nile River.
Jochebed was an intelligent mother – willing to take risks
So she built a small seal proof basket for the child and placed it in the reeds along the banks of Nile River.
She knew that Pharaoh’s daughter would come for bathing in that proximity.
She knew that only Pharaoh’s daughter can save her newborn son.
Her calculations were amazing.
She sent her daughter to monitor the basket and watch over him.
Mother provides with courage & wisdom
As she expected the daughter of Pharaoh showed up with her attendants – noticed the basket – opened the basket and took pity on the baby boy.
She knew that it was a Hebrew baby – knew that his mother could not hide him from Pharaoh.
Miriam watching close by came to her and suggests a Hebrew woman to nurse him.
Not only Jochebed got her baby back but also got paid for doing so.
Verse 10 when the child grew older, she took him to Pharaoh’s daughter and he became her son. She named him Moses, saying, “I drew him out of the water.”
Jochebed never named her son but gave that option to Pharaoh’s daughter.
So she named him Moses.
In Acts 7th chapter we learn that Pharaoh’s daughter treated Moses as her own son and was educated everything that a royal son would go through.
Moses became the man of power in words and deeds.
Jochebed had three outstanding qualities present day mother can learn from.
First, she had respect for sanctity of life
She conceived in the most deadly circumstances and never gave up hope.
Second, Jochebed was courageous mother
I am sure she and her husband prayed to God for direction.
She must have received the guidance from the Lord to plan courageously orchestrating every move.
Third, Jochebed instilled in them the faith of the fathers.
We studied that Moses got his education from Egyptian teachers- got wealth and power.
Yet he refused to be an Egyptian prince because of what he learned from his biological mother.
Scripture tells us that Moses was not willing to put aside the spiritual base built by his real mother.
The greatest responsibility of a godly mother is to instil in them the faith and life values.