Apostle John sees God on HIS throne and holding a scroll in HIS right hand.
A scroll is a rolled parchment of an animal skin or papyrus reed.
Two peculiarities observed about this roll:
1. Writings on both sides of the scroll.
Indicates whatever is written on them was complete and nothing should be added.
Many scholars opine that this document has God’s judgment on human history.
God’s complete message of judgment is ready to be revealed.
2. Seven seals were affixed on the scroll.
It is a like Roman document sealed and secured preventing anyone to read it.
The proclamation of a mighty angel saying that no one in the whole crested beings is worthy to open this scroll.
It is interesting that not even an angel of that cadre is fit to open the scroll.
There are only three angels named in the Protestant Bible.
Angel Gabriel, arch Angel Michael and Lucifer who later became Satan
In my opinion it must be arch angel Michael who shouted in the 2nd verse.
No one in heaven or on earth or under the earth can open this scroll or look into it.
The entire vision of the seals is who is “worthy” to open that scroll.
The other question is who is worthy and willing to approach the throne of God.
One scholar says that “No created being is even able to contemplate being worthy to open this scroll.”
At the realization that no one can open the scroll, John begins to weep loudly.
I feel that this is the only instance we see tears in heaven.
Apostle John must be very close to one of the elders circle around the throne.
One elder points to the ONE who alone can break the seals and open the scroll.
What the elder says are the credentials of Lord Jesus in the 5th verse.
Lord Jesus with the credentials of a king and conquered the sin thru HIS death on the cross, is the only one who is worthy to break the seals and open the scrolls.
Apostle John sees a lamb with the sign of crucifixion instead of a ‘Lion of Judah.’
Lion is the symbol of power and majesty whereas lamb is a symbol of meekness and surrender.
One author says that “The Lamb refers to Jesus’ first coming and the Lion refers to His Second Coming. As a Lion, He will bring the purpose of creation and history to fulfillment.”
He conquered the main problem of sin through HIS death on the cross.
So Lord Jesus is the only who can approach the throne of God with peculiar credentials no one could ever have in human history.
He was never created but brought redemption from sin through His sacrifice on Cross like a Lamb of God.
He alone can open the scroll of judgment on the world because HE alone paid the price for every human soul.
He paid the price on the Calvary cross so that anyone who believes in HIM shall escape the coming judgment on the planet earth.
He alone can bring the conclusion to the created world because HE created it in the first place.
HE alone was willing to deal with human sin problem and HE alone is worthy to begin the process of judgment upon the earth.
So HE went to the throne of God and took the scroll from God’s hand.