In Israelites life, festivals played a major role because they signified God’s involvement.
So the Temple worship revolved around these festivals year round.
In Exodus 23:14-17 God gave them specific instructions to observe 3 festivals.
One among them was Festival of Harvest also called Pentecost.
Today’s scripture relate to Pentecost which signifies the birth of the Church.
Many people have no idea what is Pentecost - Even within the Church there is genuine ignorance concerning Pentecost.
A. Coming of The Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit is active much before Pentecost Day.
In the Old Testament HIS involvement was temporary but for a specific purpose only.
Exodus 33:14; Judges 6:34; & 1 Samuel 16:13b
In the New Testament Lord Jesus Himself declared that God will send the Holy Spirit after HE goes back to heaven. (John 14:16-17 & 16:7b)
Lord must ascend to heaven in order to send the Holy Spirit back to earth.
On that Pentecost Day we see the coming of the Holy Spirit to stay permanently in the hearts of all believers who accepted Lord Jesus as their personal Savior.
HE will continue to indwell all believers till the rapture of the Church.
B. The Signs of HIS coming
1. Like SOUND
The Spirit at Pentecost came like a Wind much like the blast equal to a hurricane or tornado.
This is an undeniable power from above.
The Holy Spirit blows away the old life and the old nature.
HE makes life new for those who receive the Lord Jesus into their lives.
Holy Spirit is activated in our life when we surrender our hearts to Lord Jesus.
Physical tongues of fire can consume and burns any object.
In Exodus 3: 2 the fire did not consume the bush physically - The very presence of God spoke to Moses from the midst of the bush.
What we see here is not the physical fire but SPIRITUAL fire in the shape of tongues of flames on Pentecost Day.
It was the presence of God came from heaven to the earth to cleanse and consecrate every believer.
He burns away the old self and cleanses and creates a new clean heart and life in us.
3. Enables to Articulate
People from many nations came to celebrate Pentecost at Jerusalem.
The Holy Spirit enabled the disciples to speak other than their own mother tongue.
The speech was a sign of the promised baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Today Holy Spirit enables us to articulate using precise words to share the message.
4. People heard the SOUND
All people who were present outside of the upper room were hearing their own language.
The Spirit marks the permanence of God’s Promises and His faithfulness.
The indwelling Holy Spirit unites every believer with all other believers in the body of Christ.
Because of the Holy Spirit every believer in Christ is united as one body of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Holy Spirit changed the disciples’ fear to courage.
The Spirit of God is the power in us guiding and leading us in our faith walk.
The Holy Spirit working through our lives compels us to love other believers and serve them.
Because of Holy Spirit we want to witness to a non-believer.
HE motivates us to pray even for our enemies.
HE inculcates in our hearts a desire to pray, read HIS Word and worship with fellow believers.
Holy Spirit is our present help, partner, companion, Counselor and power to guide us throughout our lives till our death.