Two disciples of the Lord, one named Cleopas, were leaving Jerusalem for Emmaus, a 7 mile walk in the afternoon of the day the Lord Jesus rose from the dead.
This event was recorded only in the Gospel of Luke.
I considered this to be an important post resurrection appearances of the Lord.
These two were first very disappointed with what took place in Jerusalem.
Their disappointment lead them away from the source of strength.
In their disappointment they were confused and filled with despair for what happened to Lord Jesus.
They expected HIM to be the redeemer of Israel.
Some women came and told them that the Lord is alive.
But they refused to accept it with their unbelief.
As they were travelling to Emmaus, Lord Jesus joined them on the way.
The two travelers were the most fortunate people to have an extended conversation with the Lord and the privilege of having a meal with the Lord.
Most importantly they had a detailed exposure to the Scriptures by the Lord Himself.
27And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.
When they recognized the risen Lord, they went back to Jerusalem to share their joy and the personal fellowship with the Lord.
On this Easter morning the road to Emmaus can teach the believers as well as unbelievers many valuable lessons.
To the Believers
Our Emmaus road begins when the Lord is not walking with us anymore.
We are all by ourselves, confused, disappointed and no idea where we are going.
The believers’ Emmaus road may lead them in momentary disappointments of life and loneliness, despair, confusion and unbelief.
But will eventually turn them back to Jerusalem, the source of strength because the Lord joins them in fellowship.
It could be our quite time in prayer or meditation of HIS Word or listening to a sermon.
Our source of strength lies in the Word of God, Church fellowship, fellowship with fellow believers and above fellowship with Lord Himself.
Fellowship with the risen Lord makes all difference in our life.
The believer’s hope and strength is the resurrection power of the Lord.
Only proof anyone can give today for the Lord is alive is our own life.
To those who never met the risen Lord
They are also walking on the Emmaus road of their own making.
Their Emmaus Road filled with disappointments in life, confused with social behavior, ignorant of moral values, living only for the present and lonely without hope of future.
For them the Lord Jesus was just a prophet, good teacher and a good man.
Their eyes were blinded by unbelief of His resurrection truth.
They continue to fail to recognize the fact that the tomb is empty today.
The unbelievers’ Emmaus road leads them to eternal judgment and hell.
The risen Lord can and will transform any unbeliever’s life provided they open their heart and accept HIM as Lord and Savior.
My friend, Lord Jesus is standing at the door of your heart and knocks for you to open.
Because there is no handle outside of the door and only you can open it.
May the risen Lord bless you and lead you on the Emmaus road of your life that leads to everlasting fellowship with HIM.