In the book of Revelation 8th chapter unfolds God’s judgment on planet Earth.
The beginning of the chapter we see the 7th seal is broken and all the pages of Scroll are open.
The seven were given seven trumpets to sound for God’s judgments to begin.
With the opening of 7th seal, there was absolute silence in heaven for half an hour.
This is the only recorded silence in heaven in the Book of Revelation.
The praise and worship of God stops for a moment in anticipation of the impending judgment on the earth.
Out of the 7th seal fall seven trumpet judgments and seven bowl judgments.
Another angel holding a golden censer with incense and prayers of saints approaches the golden altar before the throne of God.
A smoke goes out of the censer before God carrying the prayers of God’s people.
So no prayer will go unnoticed.
All prayers of God’s people reach God’s throne.
Prayer is like the smoke of incense ascending to God.
Now fire from the altar was added to the censer containing incense and prayers of God’s people.
Fire from the altar is God’s judgment on earth.
God brings judgment as an answer to the prayers and the angel flings fire to the earth.
In this case, prayer brings judgment to earth.
In verse 6 the angels prepare to blow the trumpets.
First four trumpets deal with creation the world.
The last three deal with the humanity.
First trumpet brings God’s judgment as third of earth, third of trees and all green grass is burned up due to hail and fire mixed with blood.
When the second angel blows the trumpet a huge asteroid was thrown into the sea.
Third of the sea turns blood
Third of the sea creatures die
Third of the ships on sea are destroyed.
Third angel blows the trumpet a comet like blazing star struck the fresh water on the earth.
This destroys the fresh water supply of much of the Earth.
Many people die of drinking that bitter from fresh water supplies.
God sends judgment upon the like the knife in a surgeon’s hands.
Now with the fourth angel’s trumpet third of supply of light is destroyed.
Third of sun, third of moon and third of stars turn dark
The flying eagle warns the inhabitant of the earth for the forthcoming destruction when the remaining three trumpets sound.
The repetition of the word ‘woe’ three times declares that the severity is greater than the four.
God’s severe and greater level of judgment is about to unfold.
Some will respond to this proclamation and turn to the Lord and accept HIM as Savior.
Many others would simply reject and follow Satan and his devils.
They will still put their trust in their intelligence and abilities to deal with such super-natural calamities.
In spite of all that destruction, they have no place for God and submit to evil influences from Satan.
We are already looking at some similar ungodly events this very moment in our world.
We have no idea what is going to transform in the coming years.
We are living in anti-God and anti-age old traditions and values.
The seven years of God’s judgment still leave some without any remorse and repentance.
I feel that the time is already ripe for the rapture of the believers.