But when it comes to Father’s Day we don’t see such excitement in children as well as in the market place.
The world focuses more on Mother’s Day whereas the Bible focuses on Father’s Day.
In the Scripture Father’s play great role in the lives of their children.
Fathers are not only the head of a family but also spiritual leader of the family.
Unfortunately we don’t find that true in our society today.
We Christians understand that our God is our Heavenly Father.
Dads are not perfect but in them the children get a glimpse of how a Heavenly Father looks like.
I choose three wonderful men of God from the Old Testament.
They were fathers and used by the Heavenly Father as trend setters or role models.
I. NOAH is a Hard Worker
He stands as a great laborer building a ship for 120 years.
Noah did not know what rain looks like but obeyed God to build a boat.
His work and his "religion" were to obey God faithfully in the midst of all ridicule.
His Children just were just with him all the way because they trusted their father.
I. ABRAHAM is an Explorer
He stands as a great visionary to explore a promised land against all odds.
God asked him to leave his family and friends to go to a place where God showed him to go.
He just believed God’s promise that he will have his own son at the age of 100 years as a gift from God.
He was crazy to sacrifice that son because God told him to so.
His faith was beyond any human understanding and he became the father of all faithful in the Lord.
He became the father of 3 major religions in the world today.
III. MOSES is a Great Leader
In my understanding Moses is the greatest man ever lived on the planet earth after Adam.
His saw God face to face and still lived in the human history.
He talked with God extensively throughout his life.
He led the people of Israel for 40 years in the wilderness and struggle with them every day.
God chose to reveal the beginning of the creation story and asked him to record it.
He wrote the first 5 books of the Holy Bible under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
He was the only human being God took care of his body after his death.
Today we will focus on an obscure father of the Old Testament not like Noah, not like Abraham or Moses.
Adam was great because he was never born to a woman.
This father like any other common dad today but with a difference.
We do not have much about this father but he stands very tall amongst other fathers of the Bible.
He was the father of King David.
We all know the story of David and Goliath.
In this context we come across the family of David.
Jesse was the father of 8 sons and Davis was the youngest son of all.
Three sons followed King Saul and were fighting his wars.
So three sons were warriors and Davis was a shepherd boy in his teens tending flock.
We have to understand as to how David stood firm with confidence in the Lord he loves.
This fellow, described as a man after God’s own heart, stood confident because he came with the right stuff inside of him.
I do think Jesse did something right with all his 8 sons teaching them the fear of God.
He taught his children to trust in the Lord God and put their all trust in HIM.
1 Samuel 17:45
“David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.”
This verse reflects everything about David’s character.
His character, his confidence, his upbringing, his faith and trust in the Lord
I don't think David could have stood confident in the midst of a giant like Goliath unless his father Jesse planted in him the fear of God right from his childhood.
I am sure Jesse instilled in him the basic strengths of his faith.
Jesse stands as an obscure father who contributed to the greatness of King David.
The same is true for all of those fathers who sacrificed their lives and imparted such great biblical truths to shape their children’s future.
It is true that sons imitate fathers in every way and wanted to become like their dads.
On this father’s day, we have to keep this fact in view that fathers take the place of the Heavenly Father as HIS representatives.
Those who have no father for various reasons may be helped by other fathers to become their father figures to fill the gap for them.
Father's Day is a reminder to all parents that parenting is like facing a giant in our world.
May they have the Holy Spirit’s counsel to guide their children in the fear of God.