Previous 9 verses of this chapter we saw prophet Malachi rebuked the spiritual leadership of the people of Israel.
Starting with 10th verse, the prophet is addressing all people of Israel.
Both spiritual leaders and the people were guilty of serious charges relating to marriage.
We all understand from the Bible that marriage is a divine institution ordained by God as a union between one man and one woman.
Today we are living in a world where the institution of marriage is under attack.
For the past few years, liberal socialists, progressive thinkers and Hollywood moghals are doing their best to re-write the definition of marriage.
Today we are depending on the outcome of the final decision by 9 Supreme Court judges in few days.
This may be the only place in the Bible that specifically calls marriage a covenant.
“A covenant cannot be terminated. It can only be violated”
In their covenant relationship with God the people of Israel were instructed:
To worship exclusively God of Abraham by discarding all idol worship.
All male members must be circumcised as a token of their new covenant relationship.
Prophet Malachi reminds them not be unfaithful to each other including their women.
Because they had special role to play as “God’s people” among the “world people”
They were setting terrible examples to the gentiles by compromising with the world.
Being unfaithful to each other also may result into defaming God’s way of life.
God specifically commanded the Jews not to marry a non-Jew.
But they did marry many pagan women of Moab before entering the Promised Land.
Later King Solomon and King Ahab did marry pagan women who brought pagan worship into the camp.
People of Israel exactly did what was prohibited and they desecrated the temple.
In 2 Cor. 6:14 Apostle Paul clearly instructs the believers not to marry a un-believer.
Christian believers are marrying unbelieving friends and families.
The unbelieving spouse will definitely impact the believer’s faith walk.
If a believer compromises with this fundamental aspect of marriage disaster awaits.
God says “the tents of Jacob” means the homes of Israel – they lost their place in the chosen race – ultimately their identity as Jews is erased.
It does not matter what they bring to the Lord as an offering because it is just an emotional outpouring that would not make the offering acceptable.
Exactly that will happen to every believer in Christ who compromises with faith – no blessings received – prayers, offerings and service have no value.
For God Almighty, marriage is not just a trade in business. (Old car to a new car)
God clearly describes that marriage is a covenant relationship so not to be taken lightly.
God designed marriage to create and bond a physical, emotional, and spiritual union between a husband and a wife.
So divorce is contrary to God’s original intention for marriage.
I believe that God is, as Malachi said, “Weary” over His people.
Because filled with people who have denied His righteousness and come to Him with hearts that have no intention of change.
They were trying to justify sin instead of repenting of it
Those people choose not to submit to God, but rather argue against His justice.
Such people see nothing wrong with dumping their old wives for younger pagan women.
Our God is also tired of hearing people justify their corrupt and wicked practices.
They drew two wrong conclusions with their rebellion.
God is such a loving God He overlooks the wickedness of the people because wicked people are prosperous and successful.
Secondly they question God for not punishing such evil people.
They forgot God is holy and does not tolerate sin.
The righteousness of God makes it impossible to justify sin as something else.
A true convert has a firm foundation in Christ recognizing sin and Christ’s righteousness.
Never lose sight of the fact that our God is holy and hates sin of any kind.