Three persons of the Trinity (God Head) visited Planet earth in the course of human history.
God the Father visited when Moses was receiving the Law and the Ten Commandments.
He descended upon Mt Sinai in Shekinah GloryHoly Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity came upon the first believers at Pentecost.
He visited from time to time to equip certain individuals to do tasks for God in the Old Testament.
At Pentecost HE came to stay on Planet Earth till Lord Jesus returns.
Lord Jesus first came as a child at Bethlehem, lived for 33 and half years, died for human sin, on the third day HE rose from the dead and appeared to many before HE ascended to heaven.
HE will come again in glory for the Second time as King of Kings and Lord of Lord to rule the earth for 1000years.
At Mount Sinai the birth of the Law of God and at Pentecost the birth of the Church.
At Mt Sinai, divine visitation was for Moses for a specific purpose of giving the Law.
At Pentecost, Holy Spirit as tongues of fire rested on each individual to indwell them.
At Pentecost, God gives Holy Spirit to all believers to transform them internally.
Holy Spirit’s significance is thru HIS Presence, HIS Purity and HIS Power.
Pentecost presents the indwelling of God in the believer by way of the Holy Spirit.
Today all believers are indwelt with the Spirit at the moment of their conversion.
The awesome presence of God is now available to all at any given time.
The real truth of Pentecost is that the supernatural presence of God in every believer.
Like the fire that purifies the gold and silver, Holy Spirit does the same in a believer.
HE cleanses us. HE changes us. HE makes us like :Lord Jesus.
The Holy Spirit begins to cleanse all uncleanness of the heart and brings out the best in us thru purification.
Holy Spirit ultimately sees the reflection of Lord Jesus in every believer in HIM.
Today we may not be speaking different languages but gives power to speak boldly.
To share the Gospel without confusion and fear
Because of the Power of the Holy Spirit, the Gospel message is proclaimed worldwide.
Without that power, the Church of the Lord would not have grown to what it is today.There was Power at Pentecost and the same power still rests on all believers today.
Because of the Power people faced all persecutions, difficulties and even death.
That indwelling Power compels us to go where we can never dream of going.
That indwelling Power energizes us to do things we can never dream of doing.
We have the Presence, we have been purified, and we have the Power.
Let us humbly submit to His Presence, to His Purification process and to His Power.