Let us summarize so far.
White horse – Anti-Christ riding – promising false peace – whole world obeys him.
Red horse – Rider has a drawn sword – brought war and bloodshed.
Black horse – Rider has a pair of scales – worldwide famine – scarcity of food.
Pale horse – Rider is death – companion Hades – one fourth of population killed.
Oswald Chambers once said that if we fear God we fear nothing.
In Matt 10:28 the Lord says one very important fact of every human life.
“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
Satan can kill our body but cannot kill our soul.
Only God can kill both soul and body in hell as an eternal punishment.
Those who feared the Lord and accepted HIM as Savior definitely escape the tribulation.
When the Lord Jesus breaks the 5th seal on the scroll, the souls of the martyrs cry out God when He is going to avenge their death.
These are the souls who were killed during tribulation of 7 years on earth.
Many believers in the Lord were killed worldwide every day for the past 2000 years for their in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Apostle John is not seeing the souls of these martyrs but those who were killed during the seven years of tribulation.
They believed and put their faith in the Lord after the Rapture of the believers in Christ.
The Gospel message sank into their mind after they witnessed the worldwide phenomenon of sudden disappear of Christians and the church.
All these believers in the Lord during tribulation will be killed for their faith in the Lord.
These souls of the martyrs cry to God with loud voices and ask how long they have to wait.
Because they were mercilessly tortured and killed by the troops of Anti-Christ and they wanted justice.
We have to understand that this is not a day of grace but a day of God’s judgment on the earth.
So God gives them white robes signifying the imputed righteousness of Christ on the believer.
Believers killed before Rapture - They have glorified bodies - with Christ forever
People who became believers during Tribulation - killed - souls go to the Altar- Not got yet the glorified bodies
When the Lord breaks the sixth seal there was a great earth quake.
This could be the ‘big one’ of all times in human history.
This earth quakes causes the earth to open up multiple volcanic eruptions all around the globe simultaneously.
As a result of multiple volcanic eruptions lot of ash, smoke debris was thrown into the atmosphere.
“The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red.”
Verse 13 talks about stars falling on the earth like ripe fruit from the trees.
We know that the stars are much bigger than the earth.
These are meteoric shower from the skies due to cosmic shakeup.
We now see the terrible consequence of this great earth quake.
It is global catastrophe of unimaginable destruction and devastation.
This is worldwide phenomenon of God’s wrath that was poured out on this tiny planet earth.
Everything that was unshakable since the creation of the world is shaken.
Everything that was at one place since beginning is removed from its place.
The atmosphere of the sky is dramatically altered once for all.
Due to cosmic catastrophe and great earth quake, the unsaved people try to take shelter from the displaced mountains and rocks.
Most of the people were terrified and gripped with fear.
What they were, what they had is useless at that moment.
Instead of turning to the Creator they once again turn to the created things of the world.
The irony is that they still reject HIM who sits on the throne in Heaven.
The wrath of God was unleashed upon the earth.
We have to understand that God is not only a God of love but He is a God of judgment.
We see all-round us that people worship the creatures than the Creator.
In spite of the evidence, they still reject the salvation through Lord Jesus Christ.
It is nothing but human pride that keeps people from the truth in Lord Jesus.