“A simple story told to tell a moral truth” Webster Dictionary
“A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning”
“A parable is a comparison or analogy drawn from nature or human circumstances, the object of which is set forth a spiritual lesson.”
Our Lord is the greatest Teacher of all times in human history.
He told them a parable recorded in Luke 12:13-21
Lord Jesus was teaching His disciples when He was interrupted by someone who wanted him to resolve a family dispute over inheritance.
This guy did not come to seek the Lord’s advice.
He wanted Lord Jesus to stand on his side and instruct his brother to divide the inheritance.
Our Lord is talking to the 21st century Christian.
The Lord says watch out for ‘all kinds of greed’.
Fill a glass with water to the brim that is contentment.
When we are content in our mind, we have peace at heart.
Keep pouring water into the glass it spills over and we have to stop pouring.
When we don’t stop pouring water it is called greed.
The Lord says, “Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”
The rich man used 14 times I, my, myself, he, himself and you.
In all his blessing he saw only himself but not the hand of God.
Pastor Wiersbe says that “The material blessings of life are either a mirror in which we see ourselves, or a window through which we see God.”
But in reality, we are all stewards of what God has provided.
When we see only ourselves in the achievements, pride sets in our heart.
That is when we become selfish to keep all the blessings for ourselves.
God wants us to enjoy life, but not without a relationship with Him.
In Col 3:2, Apostle Paul says, "set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
It is important that we set our priorities straight in this life.
The Lord reminds us that we not only store for this life but also store riches in heaven.
Storing riches in heaven is sharing riches here.
We have seen three contrasts in the parable.
Greed for things always puts us in the equation and gives less importance for a relationship with our Lord Jesus.
person never shares his/her things with
A person who lives for this life has no life after.