Apostle Peter draws our attention to some important spiritual factors in our Christian life.
The new born baby grows day by day depending on pure milk of the mother or powder milk.
When we first accept the Lord into our hearts we are like new born babies and need pure spiritual food to grow in our Christian walk.
But there are many common character flaws that hinder the growth of a Christian.
We have to get rid of all such “wrong attitudes of heart”.
These are moral imperatives named in the first verse like malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.
Like junk food they make us to lose the real taste for pure milk, the Word of God.
No Christian is born fully grown – as we see stages of growth in a baby so also in a Christian
We need to see day by day spiritual growth as a baby - 'Peter says that growing in your salvation'
We have tasted that the Lord is good – we have experienced HIS grace, His love, HIS mercy – HIS free gift of salvation.
For this reason Peter puts us as Lord’s privileged people – taking the place of Levites as priests without any temple.
Lord Jesus is described as the chosen stone, corner stone, precious stone, foundation stone and living stone.
HE was chosen by God and but the world has rejected HIM.
The Church, in Peter’s view has been built on the Living Stone – in the process we also become the living stones offering spiritual sacrifices through our lives.
Apostle Peter says that since we have come to the Living Stone and we will become like HIM, our Lord as living stones.
We all become the priests serving and offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God.
The Church of Lord Jesus Christ is the spiritual house with Christ as the foundation stone.
Every Christian is a privileged priest to serve the Lord not in a temple but in his/her own heart.
Every individual Church is the designated place to bring sacrifices – our life is an acceptable sacrifice to the Lord – we are the living sacrifices.
Like people of Israel, we are also the chosen people because faith in Lord Jesus.
We become that special possession of God Almighty.
This puts us under the spot light as our position in Christ demands that we have to live a separated life for Christ.
All those who did not know the Lord as their Savior are literally living in darkness.
Apostle Peter is quoting from Scripture:
Verse 6 is from Isiah 28:16, one of the Messianic prophecies.
Verse 7 is from Psalms 118:22 referring to the Messiah.
Verse 8 is also from Isiah 8:14
Apostle Peter cautions us to avoid getting lost in our Christian walk because of those sinful desires that always corrupt and contaminate our soul.
We are required to live a life that attracts the non-believers and our life should impress them to have the desire to know more about the Lord but not to discourage them.
Our personal lives will always be a testament and witness to glorify God.
The Christian lives in the world but not the world in a Christian.
The world should not change us but we change the one we influence with our life.
Pastor Wiersbe says “Separation is not isolation but it is contact without contamination” “Live a godly life in this godless world”
We have to keep in mind that we are chosen people, separated for God, privileged people and priests of the Holy God.
God always works through our lives to bring others to the living hope we have.