Satan is tormenting humanity for a long long time since the creation.
He troubled and hurt God’s people as well as the unbelievers.
He persecuted and tortured believers in Lord Jesus Christ since the birth of the church.
He carries out his work thru his devils.
We have to keep in mind that God allows Satan to inflict suffering on humanity for God’s greater purpose.
In these twelve verses we see that God allows Satan to torment people in the tribulation period for five months.
Verses 1-12 deals with 5th trumpet and verses 13-21 with the 6th trumpet.
John describes a fallen star on the planet earth who is none other than Satan.
Now he gets a key to open the shaft of the Abyss.
What is Abyss?
Word ‘Abyss’ was mentioned 7 times in Revelation.
Abyss is a place of punishment for the evil angels.
Luke 8:30-31
30 Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”
“Legion,” he replied, because many demons had gone into him.
31 And they begged Jesus repeatedly not to order them to go into the Abyss.
Even the demons shudder to go there.
This bottomless pit is a temporary holding place for all evil beings.
Before our Lord begins HIS 1000 years rule on the earth, Satan was bound and thrown into Abyss for 1000 years.
This place is a bottomless pit with a lid on it.
In Revelation, Abyss is described to have a shaft or a lid with a key to open.
Now Satan gets the permission or authority or the key to release some of the evil creatures from it.
When Satan opened the shaft to the Abyss, thick smoke came out into the atmosphere and darkened the sun.
Verse 3 tells us that locusts came out of the Abyss to inflict pain on people because of the stingers like scorpion at the end of their tails.
It is a global phenomenon and all people are subjected to this torture and torment.
Verses 7-10 describe their physical appearance of strange combinations.
Apostle John tried to describe these strange evil locusts with faces like human, hair like women, teeth like lion and tail like scorpion stinger.
They were to torture human beings for five months but no permission to kill them.
Verse 11 informs us that they have king whose name is Destroyer.
In the Bible Satan is always the Destroyer.
Satan leads these evil locusts to torture humans for 5 months.
Verse 4 tells us that they cannot touch those people with the seal of God on their forehead.
From the previous study we know that these people with seal of God are the 144000 messianic Jews who are evangelizing the world with the Gospel message during tribulation.
Verse 6 describes that people wanted to die to escape the torture from the evil locusts but even death eludes them.
My friend, every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, has a seal of God on the forehead.
We are separated for God to obey HIS will and to serve HIM faithfully.
The world will ridicule us, laugh at us, and call us bigots, narrow minded and religious fanatics.
May we never lose sight of the fact that we have a mission to spread the Gospel through our life style, through our deeds and through our words.
Like those 144000 people we too have a mission to spread the Gospel till our last breath.
Today every believer is an instrument in God’s hand for HIS service.
The Lord is cautioning us that we are marked people in the eyes of this world.