USA celebrated its independence day on July 4th
The Declaration of Independence, a statement was prepared by a Committee of Five, with Thomas Jefferson as its principal author.
It was finally approved on July 4, 1776.
Since then USA is celebrating July 4th as Independence Day.
Independence means freedom from dependency.
This phrase speaks volumes and can be understood in multiple settings.
I quote from daily bread “Independence appeals to all ages. It means “freedom from the control, influence, support, and aid of others”
Today we learn one very important spiritual truth that we are not independent of God.
Our independence is solely based on our dependency on Christ.
There is no spiritual freedom apart from God – every Christian believer is dependent upon Christ always.
When a person is dependent on Christ that person enjoys true freedom.
True freedom describes our salvation – justified by HIS grace – redeemed from the guilt of sin – assurance of forgiveness of sin.
“The TRUTH will set you free”
This is our true independence as a Christian.
In this passage we come across the word ‘remain’ seven times.
‘Remain in ME’ captures the essence of a Christian - knowing HIM personally, receiving the saving grace and building an ongoing deeper and personal relationship with Christ.
Everybody cannot remain in Christ because they have to know HIM personally.
A deeper personal relationship with the Lord Jesus is vital and required.
Everyone can understands the relationship between a branch and the tree.
A branch is not independent of the tree – it has to remain attached to the main trunk.
HE is the source of all physical life as well as spiritual life
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the source of all life because HE created everything that exists.
Remaining in Christ results in spiritual growth
Failing to bear fruit is a serious consequence in Christian walk.
A Christian is always totally dependent upon HIM for any spiritual fruit in life.
Fruit bearing in a Christian be seen in many ways:
When we win others to Christ
When we grow in holiness and mature in the Word with obedience to Christ
When a Christian willingly give to the Lord’s ministry
When a Christian faithfully and sacrificially serve the Lord
God disciplines those who remain in Christ from time to time to keep us on track.
We must let the Father to cut wrong practices and habits out of our lives.
I personally think that Lord is referring to the non-believer here.
HE is talking about those who rejected HIM will definitely face spiritual death.
A believer faces only one death – the physical.
But a non-believer in the Lord faces two death – physical death and death in lake of fire called HELL
We can do nothing that really matters unless we abide in Christ.
When we remain in HIM the Lord will provide HIS grace in every situation no matter what we go through.
Our lives must glorify God as result of the fruit bearing process.
Our actions and deed will not only glorify God but also declare us to be Christ’s disciples.