Lord Jesus speaks in a parable to explain the coming Kingdom of God.
The Lord used many parables to explain many spiritual truths during HIS earthly ministry.
Lord Jesus basically was addressing the Jews who were still rejecting HIM as Messiah.
He warns them of the impending danger if they continue to reject HIM.
He is also telling them of His intention to include non-Jewish people into HIS kingdom.
The Lord intends to fill His kingdom with redeemed people only.
Those who were invited rejected the invitation because of their disinterest and unwillingness to attend.
It is observable to see that the king was telling them the details of the banquet.
They gave silly reasons to escape the invitation - one to his business – one to his field.
The wedding invitation had no impact upon them at all.
Business is as usual for them
Even they mistreated the servants of the king and killed some of them.
We see today many people all around the world are rejecting the Gospel of our Lord Jesus.
Whenever they heard the message of salvation they reject it – continue to reject it
They are so busy in their lives that they have no time for God and His word.
They have all the time for this perishable physical body but not for the soul that lives forever.
Psalms 14:1 The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.
The servants went to gather anyone they find on the streets.
They invited the rich and the poor, the wise and the fool, old and young and low class and the high class.
King just wanted them to come to the wedding celebration.
Lord Jesus teaching the Jews that because of their rejection, HE is opening the invitation to the Gentile nations.
We are the recipients of that invitation that was opened to gentiles from the 1st century.
This is the plan of salvation through Lord Jesus Christ.
The King not only prepared the feast, but He supplied a special garment for the guests.
This was normally a long white robe.
The guest need to request it from the incharge of the feast and it would be given to him.
To show up without it was worthy of punishment and was inexcusable.
The king provides the dress no matter who we are.
Though the invitation is free and open to everyone, only one condition is the dress code.
One has to wear that dress that HE alone gives in order to attend the wedding banquet.
When the Lord designed His plan of Salvation, He prepared a way that was open to all people, from all walks of life.
The proper attire is the robe of righteousness, which we can only receive from Lord Jesus.
The day a person accepts the invitation of Lord Jesus and HIS salvation, that person receives a robe of righteousness.
That is, their sins are forever forgiven and they are justified by faith.
The wedding garment is given to every believer at the instant of conversion and it is worn by every believer all the time.
God puts 3 conditions to receive the robe:
1. Only by faith we receive it – not by good works
2. It is free of cost – free gift
3. It fits all sizes – all people.
Now one person did not find the occasion important and did not get the robe.
So he blatantly insulted the wedding party and the King.
The man in the parable was cast out into outer darkness.
This is a clear picture of Hell
All without salvation are thrown out into darkness of hell forever.
V-14 "For many are invited, but few are chosen."
We are chosen few who accepted the Lord as our Savior and washed our sins in HIS blood.
Today everyone has a chance to accept or reject the invitation of God to enter His coming kingdom.
We have to accept Jesus as our Savior and repent and seek forgiveness for our sins by faith.