Lord Jesus loved the two sisters and their brother Lazarus because they are HIS disciples.
Martha probably owned the house in Bethany – just a short distance from Jerusalem.
Lord Jesus had a family and emotional relationships and visited them multiple times.
The Lord and His disciples are on the way to Jerusalem – probably travelling from Jericho.
Lord Jesus feels free to stay with them and dine with them.
These are very special people for the Lord –HE raised Lazarus from the dead.
Marry is the picture of devotion – her concern to the spiritual.
Martha is the picture of distracted person – her concern to the worldly.
We see a devoted Marry
Like a true disciple Martha sits at the feet of Lord Jesus and listening to His teaching.
She listens to HIM attentively as HIS words meant so much to her.
Her posture sitting at the feet of the Lord reflects submission and humility.
We see a distracted Martha
An opposite picture we see - a woman who is so concerned with mundane things of life.
Her main anxiety is to provide food on the table for the guests.
She is definitely a hospitable woman – willing to stretch and work hard.
Mary is at peace listening to but Martha is distracted and anxious.
Martha’s mind is occupied with the business of the hour – so she is anxious and troubled.
Martha was agitated in her mind looking at Mary doing nothing but listening to the Lord.
She was not at all at peace and disturbed and distracted in her mind.
We see Martha is certainly a stressed out lady at this point in time.
She even questions the Lord “don’t You care?”
As a matter of fact Lord Jesus does care the little things and the big things of our life.
Here the Lord is more concerned about Martha's distraction with her mixed up priorities.
We see a loving reminder from the Lord
Lord Jesus loved her equally – did not admonition her – reminded her the importance of the spiritual food.
Lord takes the opportunity to teach them and us a lesson.
Not to worry or upset over many things in life that we feel challenging.
Lord was lovingly telling Martha that she needs to change her approach to life.
Lord was saying that spiritual things are more important than physical needs.
The Lord was reminding Martha that she is missing her spiritual food.
Choosing the best is vital
Lord Jesus reminds not only Martha but each and every one to choose the best that matters.
Lord says there should not be any conflict with our physical needs and the spiritual.
We have to understand that many things in life are not bad things.
The Lord is reminding us to re-evaluate our priorities in life - to mature in HIS Word- to draw close to HIM – to have an ongoing fellowship with fellow believers.
To become what the Lord Jesus wants us to be in life.
With humility we have to submit to HIS Lordship and His control of our life.
A shallow faith walk can rob us the most important thing in life – the best in Christ.
Are we too busy – pre-occupied - satisfying our physical needs and worldly desires – are we losing the very essence of Christian walk?
Like Martha are we telling Lord Jesus to wait till we can finish our work in hand.
We have to recognize that little Marthas are in side each of us – concerned with day to day needs – always have mixed up priorities - leaving no room for the Lord.
Lord wants us to be the chief guest of our life and desires to have loving relationship with HIM always.
HE wishes to enjoy our life along with HIM but not making HIM an unwelcome guest.
The simple event recorded for us is to remind us of our status with Lord Jesus Christ.
Is HE the most welcomed guest in our hearts and homes? or
Is HE the most unwelcome guest in our lives?
Each one here can look into their hearts and answer these questions truthfully.