We don’t know the names of the Magi, how many came, from one city or multiple cities.
The visit of magi from East was one of the great stories of Christmas event.
Traveling was extremely difficult in those days and we cannot tell how far they had travelled.
God directed these magi to Bethlehem to let the entire Gentile world & Jews know that the birth of Jesus was for everyone.
God notified the Jews of His coming in their own scriptures.
He notified the Gentiles of His coming by a mysterious star.
The most intriguing supernatural miracle is the star which led them to Jerusalem.
God used His heavenly creation to introduce God’s Son to the world.
It is so fascinating to observe that this star first appeared only to them.
Pointed the direction towards Israel – guided them throughout their difficult journey.
Disappeared for a short period of time and reappeared again to lead them to Bethlehem.
Finally stood over the very house of baby Jesus – disappeared finally never to be seen again.
So this star was altogether spectacular supernatural star not just a star in the sky.
The most important thing to know about this star is that it was Christ's star.
Were they expecting it? They identify this star with the Jewish Scriptures.
May be they were acquainted with the Jewish scriptures that predicted the coming of a great King who would save Gentiles as well as the Jews.
When Herod heard about the birth of a newborn king of Jews he was greatly troubled.
So also the entire city of Jerusalem was in shell shock.
Even more disturbing was the fact that these wise men claimed that they saw His star.
The king assembled his wise men to search the scriptures for His birth.
Matthew quotes a portion of the scripture in verses 5 & 6 from Prophet Micah 5:2
The birth of Jesus fulfilled a long time expectation in Israel for a promised liberator to lead God’s people in keeping within the Jewish tradition.
Lord Jesus is “the king of the Jews,” the Anointed One, the Messiah.
First king Herod inquired the exact time of the star.
He was not excited about the prophetic announcement but threatened by new born King.
The mysterious star once again appeared to them and guided them to the house.
One thing is sure that the Magi came not during the birth of the Lord but much later.
This is a peculiar star specially created by God only for the purpose of leading the wise men to Jerusalem.
It is like a sign from the heaven that something spectacular was taking place on earth.
A sign revealed the greatest event in human history was unfolding on the earth.
God Almighty used the first laser beam at the time of Lord’s birth.
God created this star only for His Son’s birth and later it disappeared forever.
Apart from these Magi, nobody ever saw the star.
When they found HIM, they fell down and worshiped Him.
They presented their best gifts gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Matthew is declaring that Lord Jesus is the Messiah and the King of creation.
He is not just a King of the universe but also the Messiah, the Anointed One.
The Magi risked everything in life for the king, came and worshiped HIM.
Today we worship Him not just a newborn king but as the Lord of our lives.
We not only submit to His authority willing and joyfully but also give the best our hearts.