Some names have historical significance and some are description of a character.
Some Biblical names have profound theological meaning.
On this Christmas morning we will look at names of Jesus recorded in OT as well as in NT.
The Prophet Isiah describes names of Jesus in two places.
In Isaiah 7:14, the prophet says “Therefore the Lord (God) Himself will give you a sign: The virgin (Mary) will conceive and give birth to a Son, and will call HIM (Jesus) Emmanuel.” The inserts in parenthesis are mine.
Immanuel means God is with us – the child who was born in Bethlehem to Virgin Mary.
Isaiah 9:8b “And He (Jesus) will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
What Prophet Isaiah was saying here is all the names Jesus will be called belong to God.
Simply to say Immanuel is God.
Gospel writer Matthew says in 1:21, “And she will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins."
The word "Jesus" means "Jehovah is salvation."
This is appropriate since Jesus is Jehovah, second person of the Trinity, who became flesh and is our salvation.
On this Christmas morning we study the name “Immanuel.”
In Colossians 1:16-17, Apostle says Emmanuel is Christ who created the worlds and sustains them, I mean holding them together.
Eternally God, Christ literally holding everything that is created - God with us.
Immanuel was Christ before HE was born as a child in Bethlehem.
He was with Abraham, Moses, all the prophets, and some kings and always with HIS people Israel – Malachi 3:6.
In Human Nature
On a Christmas Day Christ became Jesus as a man according to divine plan.
Apostle Paul in Romans 8:3 says that Lord Jesus came “in the likeness of sinful flesh” to become a sin offering.
In human form HE was tempted as any other human being but not succumbed to sin.
In human form HE revealed the invisible God to the humanity.
In human form Christ Jesus identified with us – experienced the life one earth.
Immanuel, God is with us literally proved in HIS human nature.
His Death on the Cross
In Isaiah 53:5-6 Prophet Isaiah profoundly describes HIS death on the cross.
In 1 Cori 15:3 Paul affirms that Christ died for our sins.
The death of Christ is given a very prominent place in the Bible.
Immanuel God is with us bearing our sins and dying for us in our place.
Lord Jesus Christ is with us NOW and forever
In the new covenant HE was with the HIS disciples, HIS church and throughout the church period.
The Scriptures are filled with promises that God will be with HIS people on a daily basis.
In Matthew 28:20 Lord Jesus says “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Since the great commission given to the disciples, Lord Jesus is with every person who believed in HIM from that day.
HE was with those missionaries who traveled to faraway lands to proclaim the gospel.
HE was with those who were persecuted and killed for their faith.
HE is with every person who puts their faith in HIM alone.
HE is with us today in every believing heart.
Immanuel, God is with us is a proven fact – no other religion can confidently say this fact.
Immanuel, God is with us, is not a Christmas description of Jesus Christ.
Immanuel is an everyday reality that God is with us.
It is an experience - it is a relationship with the Living Savior Lord Jesus Christ.
HE is going to come back not as a baby but as King of kings and Lord of lords.
On this Christmas morning we praise God for Immanuel, the eternal presence of Jesus Christ with us.