We all know that our God is a Trinity whom we understand as a Holy Trinity.
Satan also has a trinity which we call them as un-holy trinity.
In the 12th chapter Apostle John introduces us to the first person of the un-holy trinity.
John also uses seven signs in the Book of Revelation.
We see the first and second signs in this chapter.
We also see 4 symbolic women to represent a view point of Apostle John.
Rev 2:20 Woman Jezebel symbolizes immorality in church of Thyatira.
Rev 12:1 Woman with child symbolizes the Nation Israel
Rev 17:1 Woman as a great prostitute symbolizes false religion.
Rev 19:7 Woman as a bride of Christ symbolizes the church
The woman in the first verse refers to Nation of Israel during the time of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The labor pains refer to the political oppression of the Roman Empire during the time of the birth of Lord Jesus.
Great red dragon in the third verse is the second sign representing the evil one Satan.
This dragon represents ten kings with seven in authority.
All these kingdoms wanted to just to prevent the rule of the Lord on the earth during millennial rule.
Apostle John time travels back and forth in between 4th and 6th verses.
He captures the beginning of Satan’s fall and casting down to the earth with other angels turned devils.
John explains the attempts of King Herod to kill baby Jesus is another symbol of red dragon to devour the child.
In verse 5 John refers to the millennial rule of the Lord and time travels backward to the time of Lord’s resurrection and ascension.
In verse 6 once again Apostle John time travels to the end times to the middle of the tribulation period.
The remnant of Jews caught up in the persecution by the Anti-Christ’s army will flee to the mountains in Petra, Jordan.
This was to fulfill what exactly prophesied by our Lord Jesus in Matt 24.
John describes a war between Michael, the arch angel and his angels with red dragon, Satan and his angels/devils.
Michael and his angels prevail over Satan and his angels and were hurled down to earth.
This war I presume to be at the midpoint of tribulation.
After casting out from heaven Satan did have access to heaven back and forth to accuse and blame God’s people with God the Father.
With this war Satan lost all access to heaven as a beginning of his end before the Lord Jesus comes with the Church to rule the planet earth for thousand years.
Twelfth chapter is pivotal to grasp the end time story.
I strongly suggest reading the book of Daniel 11th chapter, Isaiah 14th chapter, Zechariah 3rd chapter and Gospel of Matthew 24th chapter.