Baptism is only for believers
Who is a believer?
Must be a forgiven sinner – accepted the gift of salvation - received HIM as Lord and Savior – transformed spiritually with a changed heart.
Whoever repents for sins and believes in Lord Jesus Christ becomes a believer immediately.
Baptism is a symbolic act
Baptism is not required for salvation - salvation is required for baptism
Baptism is only by full immersion in water
This is the only way believers in the Lord are being baptized throughout the world.
Why to be baptized?
Significance of inward cleansing of the heart of a person
The stains of sin cannot be washed but cleansed with precious blood of Christ.
Cleansing of the heart symbolizes two things
A. Justified (Sinner becomes saint)
At Garden of Eden, Adam lost the original relationship with God because of disobedience.
Since then every human is at war with God because of DNA of sin.
2 Cor 5:21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
God declare everyone who receives Christ to be righteous, based on Christ’s righteousness.
We are justified, declared righteous, the moment we receive Christ into our hearts.
His sacrifice covers all human sin where God sees us as perfect and unblemished.
God declares us righteous and justified.
Since we have been justified we have peace with God.
As Apostle Peter says in 1 Peter 3:21 now we have a clear conscience before God.
B. Reconciled (Relationship repaired)
Since everyone has a broken relationship with God we needed reconciliation.
Christ repaired the broken relationship between human and God through Cross.
2 Cor 5:19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them.
Now there is no barrier between Holy God and sinful human.
We were God’s enemies, but are now His friends (Romans 5:10)
We were in a state of condemnation because of our sins, but we are now forgiven.
A. Identifies with the Lord’s death and resurrection
In baptism a person considers himself/herself as having died, buried and risen with the Lord Jesus Christ.
The believer is ‘identifying’ and ‘joining’ with the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
B. Clothed with Christ
Apostle Paul says that we are clothed with Christ.
Gal 3:27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
It is to mean that we belong to Christ.
Through this act of baptism, a believer is declaring that he/she belongs to Lord Jesus.
In Baptism, a believer declares outwardly that he/she received forgiveness of sins.
In Baptism, the Christian publicly proclaims an end to the old way of life or the old order.
In baptism the old sinful life is buried and submerged under water.
Raising out of the water the believer is ushered into a new life under Christ.
The believer will be under the Lordship of Christ till death.
The baptized believer will join the fellowship of the church and the people of God worldwide.
A believer confirms the inward conversion in the outward expression of baptism.