Malachi speaks of this future day of the Lord involved both expectation of a divine overthrow of evildoers and a vindication and rewarding of the righteous.
What is the day of the Lord?
Old Testament prophets used this phrase in Isaiah, Ezekiel, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Zephaniah, Zachariah, and Malachi.
This day is described as dreadful, destruction, distress, darkness and judgement day.
Even we find this usage in New Testament writers like Luke, Paul and Peter.
Scholarly consensus is that judgment of God occurs at the second coming of Jesus.
Apostle Paul says that it is significant, important, climactic, cataclysmic day in human history what I presume to be Armageddon.
Most of the Old Testament writers refer to the day described in Rev 16:13-16 & 19:19-21 that Satan, the beast and the false prophet (known as unholy trinity) wage battle at Armageddon.
This day is definitely coming.
God is delaying His judgment because of His great mercy and also everybody is being given an opportunity to be saved thru Lord Jesus.
Those who revere God’s name will have the opportunity to meet “Sun of Righteousness” – He is Christ the Lord.
Revere God’s Name means to hold God in high honor.
It means to live our life in such a way that we bring only glory to God’s name.
They stand in awe of Him, place their trust in Him completely – have assurance of forgiveness of their sins.
A picture of sinner released from the chains of sin and celebrates with joy.
Another blessing is the believers will witness the punishment of the wicked.
400 years of deafening silence from heaven as no prophetic word from the Lord God.
God wanted the people of Israel to depend entirely upon Mosaic Law.
Remember means to obey His Law and put into practice.
Always obedience will be an outward expression of our love and devotion for God.
God’s last challenge in the Old Testament is command for obedience.
The same challenge holds true for us today.
We need to keep in mind that Elijah never died as normal human being.
John the Baptist never admitted that he was Elijah but possess the spirit of Elijah.
Many scholars opine that Elijah could be one of the two witnesses cited in Rev 11th chapter.
The other one could be Enoch who never died like Elijah or some say Moses.
Prophet Malachi closes his prophetic book as well as the Old Testament with expectation.
God ends His final revelation with hope of eternity for those who obey Him.
Coming of the Lord Jesus was mentioned in this last chapter of Old Testament.
The Sun of Righteousness – till He comes the people of Israel were to obey the Law.
When the Lord comes He will change the application of the Law.
We are under God’s grace through Lord Jesus who provided the final payment for sin and no sacrifices are needed anymore.
We live out our lives in the light of our relationship with Lord Jesus.
We have a helper Holy Spirit to keep us focused in our faith walk.