Every Christian celebrates the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday.
Can anyone who is a follower of Lord Jesus ever doubt the resurrection?
Yes, there was a guy who doubted first and believed later.
Thomas believed and bowed to Lord Jesus and said, "My Lord and my God."
Today many still doubt the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Apostle Paul was confronting an issue with the Church at Corinth which he himself established in AD 55.
12 But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
This question was raised in the church at Corinth about the resurrection of the dead believer.
The base for the resurrection of dead believer is solely upon the resurrection of Lord Jesus.
Both are tied together – today every believer has the assurance that he/she will be raised from the dead at the time of rapture to be with Lord Jesus forever.
On Easter Sunday morning we will briefly meditate on this issue.
Verses 14-19 are crucial for the entire Christian faith.
The Apostle Paul argument hinges upon one question.
“What if Christ has not been raised?”
This morning let us see the impact of this question on our faith and Christian walk.
Since the moment Apostle Peter stood up & preached the message of the resurrection of Lord Jesus, to this day billions of people put their faith in the risen Lord Jesus.
Millions of believers became martyrs, suffered persecution, even separated from their families.
That preaching and sacrifices is absolutely useless if our Lord is not raised from the dead.
If Christ is not raised from the dead, our faith is a false faith based on lies.
Everything everyone preached from Peter to this day is centered on the resurrection.
If there was no resurrection there is no salvation.
If there was no resurrection it is useless talk about eternal life.
If there was no resurrection there is no reason to be a Christian.
If the resurrection of our Lord never happened, Christian faith is foolish.
If there is no Easter, our Christian faith is foundationless and false.
Paul draws his authority from the encounter with Lord Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus.
Lord’s resurrection is intricately linked with believer’s resurrection from the dead.
If the dead in Christ are not raised, Christ also did not raise from the dead.
Christ was raised from the dead so also dead in Christ will be raised one day.
17 And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.
Paul says that not only our faith is useless but also we are still living in sin.
If Christ is not raised from the dead, our salvation has no foundation and is meaningless.
If no resurrection there is no Living Savior
No Living Savior there is any forgiveness of sins
No forgiveness there is no justification and no cleansing.
We are still living in sin and pay the penalty for our sins.
No other religion explains how God is involved in the life of this planet earth.
Only in Christianity we have the evidence and proof of God Almighty orchestrating the life of every human being.
The Bible does not say that human existence is meaningless and futile.
God of the Bible never created this universe and the people to live and die and be forgotten.
The Bible clearly speaks of a plan and purpose for every human life.
Every human life is precious and valuable in the sight of God.
Apostle Paul declares that when a person who believes in the living Lord Jesus and accepts the gift of salvation by faith is saved and begins a life after death.
If the Lord Jesus is not raised from the dead all believers were lost hopelessly.
Without resurrection of Jesus Christ the people of the world live in an illusion of useless existence and hopelessness.
If the Lord is not raised, death will be the final chapter of human life.
We the believers will be the most pitied people on the face of the earth for believing in such a terrible lie.
20 But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead.
This verse is the foundation to our Christian faith, our salvation, and our hope of eternity.
Today Jesus Christ is living because we are the living proof of HIS resurrection.
Today HE lives in every believer’s heart worldwide.